Sweaty Palms, Dry Mouth
“Hi All, we would love to get Charis out by the end of the month if possible …”
Wha’? Huh? End of the month? Eeeeeeep!
Those were the words that sent me into the center of a small tornado of self-doubt, worry, fear, and anxiety yesterday. “End of the month if possible.”
It seems like I’ve been writing or editing or dreaming about my book for over a year now … oh, wait, I have been. Could that be why I nearly fainted at the thought of it finally being here and real? Perhaps I’ve been so in love with the dream of the book that the reality of it feels a little strange and suspicious and claustrophobic.
My book, Charis: Journey to Pandora’s Jar, has taken so many forms from characters who were developed and later eliminated to the illustrations that will be included. Here are some of the many Charis’s along the way, illustrated by my talented brother Vincent Conard:
Until, finally and at long last …
“Hi All, we would love to get Charis out by the end of the month if possible …”
Well, hell, let’s do it then.
Pursue your dreams. Allow them the opportunity to take life. Don’t be afraid. Ask. Seek. Knock. The worst that could happen is a no, or a yes, or who knows. But, you’ll never experience the best of your hopes until you’re willing to risk those hopes being dashed. What is your dream? What are you willing to risk? More importantly, what are you willing to gain?
Charis: Journey to Pandora’s Jar. Coming soon.
Peace and Blessings,
Nicole Walters