Yoga Love

Sep 4, 2012 by

After nearly a month of absence, I returned to yoga Saturday morning.  Friday night, with a long, holiday weekend ahead, I excitedly told my husband that I couldn’t wait to get back to the mat.  When Saturday morning rolled around, I lazed on the couch, had a third cup of coffee, facebooked and did everything else to indicate I had no plans, at all, of walking the four blocks to the studio to practice the yoga I’ve missed.  Finally, with the clock winding down, my love reminded me of how much I loved yoga, and of my plans to practice it that morning.  He was right.  I quickly dressed and headed out the door to welcome whatever the experience might bring.  I’m so glad I did. The studio was crowded.  Mats were pulled and pushed...

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Aug 13, 2012 by

Fact: Baby seagulls are gray. They are loud, fluffy and, at times, so big and near adult-size that the only thing differentiating them from adults is their color, gray. Sunday morning, at the beginning of a walk talk with my love, we came across two huge ones milling about on the rocks jutting out of the ocean. “Look,” I say, “those are baby seagulls!” “Are you sure?” Marc asks. “They don’t look ‘baby’ to me. I can’t imagine them any bigger.” “Yeah . . . I think so.” Suddenly, looking at their size and not their color, I second guess myself. Maybe I’m wrong about that. “I guess they are pretty big, though.” We continued down the waterfront trail, doing what we always do during our times together, walking and soaking in the sun....

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A Moment of Silence

Jul 21, 2012 by

The Dark Knight Rises . . . as do our prayers for the victims of the senseless shootings in Aurora.  I hope healing rises too . . . eventually. Drawing by Vincent Conard, my...

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The Faith of My Father

Jun 26, 2012 by

Yesterday was a hard day.  It just was.  In addition to worrying over Grandma and the health and cognition slowing ebbing from her 93-year-old body and mind, my heart quaked on behalf of my parents and the health challenges they are facing head on.  My father, diabetic and with a wound that is not healing, went in for a standard procedure to create blood flow to his legs that are as dry as a desert.  As he was prepped for the surgery, his doctor determined his veins were too far collapsed and that he needed another, more involved surgery instead to have a chance at creating a healthy circulation in his lower limbs.  I learned all of this over the phone and through the tearful confession from my mom, my sweet Billie Jean. I...

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