The Tenerview with Red Tash!
Meet Red Tash, a quick-witted, sassy-pants writer who I know you’ll come to love as much as I have! Like most of the authors I’ll interview here, I met Red on Twitter . . . something about Russian gypsies and potato vodka. Now? I can hardly wait to introduce you! Red Tash, ever darling. Red Tash is a writer, avid reader, former rollergirl and Future World Power. As a professional journalist, she learned how to build stories around facts that conveyed the often gritty emotions of the human experience, from the joys of achievement to the gut-punching drama of tragic loss. The same arc of story has been the focus of her fiction since publishing the best-selling dark fantasy titles Troll Or Derby and This Brilliant Darkness over the past two years. Red loves social media, roller...
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