No More Excuses … (for now)...

Jul 29, 2013 by

It is 4:46 AM as I begin this post. I haven’t blogged in a while. I haven’t had the time. Time. The lack of time has been my chief complaint of late. More than ever, what I want more of in my life is time … time that I can spend as I choose, to do with what I want. Here lately, what I want most is to write the second book brewing inside of me, but there doesn’t ever seem to be enough time. Of course, we both know that’s not true. Right? I’m not the only person walking the planet who is passionate about one thing but paid to do another. That’s the way it is some times … scratch that … most times. So few of us are lucky enough to...

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Bold Living … This Twenty Minutes...

May 20, 2013 by

Today’s email from my friend Kanesha, the powerhouse behind Bold Living Today, read: When is your inner voice the strongest, and when are you an active listener to this voice? My inner voice is the strongest and clearest when I first wake up. I give myself 10-to-15 minutes, after my morning alarm, to lie in stillness and breathe deeply. My inner voice whispers quietly to me and reminds me that today is what I make it to be. I sometimes take a moment to jot down the messages, from my inner voice, in my journal so I will not become distracted and forget what I actually need to be doing. Here are 5 easy steps to follow, to become reacquainted with your inner voice: 1. Give yourself 10-to-15 minutes, when you first wake up, to...

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