Bold Living … This Twenty Minutes...

May 20, 2013 by

Today’s email from my friend Kanesha, the powerhouse behind Bold Living Today, read: When is your inner voice the strongest, and when are you an active listener to this voice? My inner voice is the strongest and clearest when I first wake up. I give myself 10-to-15 minutes, after my morning alarm, to lie in stillness and breathe deeply. My inner voice whispers quietly to me and reminds me that today is what I make it to be. I sometimes take a moment to jot down the messages, from my inner voice, in my journal so I will not become distracted and forget what I actually need to be doing. Here are 5 easy steps to follow, to become reacquainted with your inner voice: 1. Give yourself 10-to-15 minutes, when you first wake up, to...

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