Everybody Loves to Jump

Jul 13, 2013 by

Last night we had the privilege of hosting one of our younger son’s friends over night on this leg of his travels around the world.  After graduation, this young man took his father’s advice to get the “eff” out of here and do some traveling before settling down into his career, his day-to-day, his grown-up-and-not-a-college-student-anymore routine.  Taking his father’s advice to heart, he booked some tickets for his around the world journey—his destinations all centered around “jump sites” as his passion is sky diving. He had his first jump after making a New Year’s resolution with an older brother that they would jump together … a bucket list kind of thing.  That was was 5 years ago and he, unlike his brother who said once was enough, has been jumping ever since. He shared...

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