That Was Then, This Is Now: My Torrid Love Affair With Prince...

Apr 20, 2013 by

This was Prince when I was first introduced to him: This was me then: My older sister Monique had come home with her school book covered with his angelic, amorphous face that was neither male nor female, safe nor dangerous, innocent nor jaded, just beautiful and wholly desirable and powerful enough to create sensations within my mind and body that my life’s experience had not yet prepared me for. That was the beginning of what would become a lifelong obsession and quest that has yet to be resolved or figured out. In junior high with my rebellion against my parents and God burning at its hottest, I tried to run away from the suffocation of rules and rules and more rules to Minneapolis to become a Prince girl. I hadn’t quite figured out what...

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Remembering Well A Love Lost

Apr 14, 2013 by

“Take from me all that You please for all I have You have graciously given.  Strength and health my gifts and wealth all  Yours to spend for as long as I’m living.” Nicole Walters, Yours to Spend The evening was nothing but pleasant.  It was only seldom that Ryan got to extract himself from the rigors of college football to come home and share a meal, talk, and just be.  As usual, when he twisted the door open, our dog Jack was the first to meet him, wagging so hard he could hardly keep his balance on his four legs.   Over dinner, we talked about how practices were going, what was going on with his team mates and about his high school sweetheart Tara, or That Girl as we call her.  He regaled us...

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Remembering Well A Love Lost

Apr 14, 2013 by

“Take from me all that You please for all I have You have graciously given.  Strength and health my gifts and wealth all  Yours to spend for as long as I’m living.” Nicole Walters, Yours to Spend The evening was nothing but pleasant.  It was only seldom that Ryan got to extract himself from the rigors of college football to come home and share a meal, talk, and just be.  As usual, when he twisted the door open, our dog Jack was the first to meet him, wagging so hard he could hardly keep his balance on his four legs.   Over dinner, we talked about how practices were going, what was going on with his team mates and about his high school sweetheart Tara, or That Girl as we call her.  He regaled us...

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Just Do It

Apr 2, 2013 by

Today is writing group at work. I, amazingly, have nothing to say. Further, after sitting here staring off into space for an idea that floats just beyond my vision, sifting through pictures of family and friends smiling back up at me from my iPhone while I look for missing inspiration, and perusing a variety of writing blogs searching for writing prompts that will prompt me to write a moment of literary greatness, I now have very little time left to write the nothing I have to write about. Sigh. So it is with writing sometimes. There are days that ideas flow freely and my only obligation is to become the empty vessel to gather them into and then pour them out of. Then, there are days like today when I my mind is a...

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