No More Excuses … (for now)...

Jul 29, 2013 by

It is 4:46 AM as I begin this post. I haven’t blogged in a while. I haven’t had the time. Time. The lack of time has been my chief complaint of late. More than ever, what I want more of in my life is time … time that I can spend as I choose, to do with what I want. Here lately, what I want most is to write the second book brewing inside of me, but there doesn’t ever seem to be enough time. Of course, we both know that’s not true. Right? I’m not the only person walking the planet who is passionate about one thing but paid to do another. That’s the way it is some times … scratch that … most times. So few of us are lucky enough to...

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May 29, 2013 by

It must be real.  Thank you Booktrope Publishing for believing in me. Peace and Blessings,...

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Just Do It

Apr 2, 2013 by

Today is writing group at work. I, amazingly, have nothing to say. Further, after sitting here staring off into space for an idea that floats just beyond my vision, sifting through pictures of family and friends smiling back up at me from my iPhone while I look for missing inspiration, and perusing a variety of writing blogs searching for writing prompts that will prompt me to write a moment of literary greatness, I now have very little time left to write the nothing I have to write about. Sigh. So it is with writing sometimes. There are days that ideas flow freely and my only obligation is to become the empty vessel to gather them into and then pour them out of. Then, there are days like today when I my mind is a...

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Under Review

Jan 16, 2013 by

I’m new to the Twitter game. As a new author, I’ve been told by everyone, how important it is to develop a Twitter following, follow others relevant to your profession, and live even more extensively online. (Seemingly impossible for an extroverted personality like me who already has such an inept and cowardly filter.) “Show your personality, Nicole. Just be you … in 140 characters.” Sigh. Since the past two weeks have found me on bed rest, nursing an angry back, I figured I’d use the time to tweet, read tweets, retweet, search other authors who tweet and follow them, and hang out with celebrities I’d never hang out with in real life. Suddenly I find my twitter feed full of other authors, book agents, publishing personalities, and —scariest of all— book reviewers. Admittedly, the...

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