When The Fog Rolls In . . .

Sep 1, 2011 by

This morning while having my first cup of coffee, I watched the fog roll in and slather a haze over what began as a sunny morning in Seattle. From the west, billows of misty gray cloaked the now phantom buildings that, if I hadn’t already seen them in the sunlight, I wouldn’t even know existed in the fog. Fog rolls in sometimes, distorting everything – even the things about which we are quite sure, like the high rise buildings next to our own. It’s funny though, the sun still shines behind the fog. In fact, sometimes its radiating light takes on a broader, more expansive glow, dancing in the thin mists of water around it. In the right light, everything, even low hanging clouds, can take the sheen of the sun. There is a...

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Where Am I?

Jul 21, 2011 by

The past 6 weeks have included travel to Dallas, LA, and now Aurora.  In the whirlwind of embracing family, laughing with friends and visiting with those I love, I have woken in a bed that was not mine wondering where, in the world, I am.  In my mind, I’ve planned to visit a friend only to remember that she lives in another state, different from the one I, myself, am in.  Disoriented.  Where am I? I’ve asked myself that question a lot lately concerning my relationship with God ever since I returned from India nearly two years ago.  “Where am I?”  That question has often morphed into another, “Where is God?”  Disoriented. More and more, I’m convinced that He is everywhere, in everyone.  I know that most people of faith assume that.  You know, the...

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I Miss Us

Jun 17, 2011 by

Tonight, my husband is in China, my oldest son is in Tucson, my youngest son is in Chicago, and I am in Seattle.  Tonight, my oldest son sent a text, in anticipation of our reunion in July, to his aforementioned family that is spread all over this world saying, “I miss us.”  In July, we will all be together, gathered from the four corners, in each other’s company . . . just like old times.  It will be precious and appreciated.  It will be tangible and material.  I will lay hands upon my children, lips too. Life.  Life can take us in so many different and unexpected directions.  As recently as 2 years ago I could not have anticipated my family, the one I prize so, being so scattered, shotgun across the U.S.  Yet, that is...

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The Waiting Place

Jun 8, 2011 by

The Waiting Place…for people just waiting. Waiting for a train to go or a bus to come, or a plane to go or the mail to come, or the rain to go or the phone to ring, or the snow to snow or waiting around for a Yes or No or waiting for their hair to grow. Everyone is just waiting. Dr. Seuss, Oh The Places You’ll Go. For over two years now I’ve been living with the idea of writing a book, Somewhere Between Lost and Found: A Story About God.  It’s about my vacation to India and its impact, broad and indiscriminate, upon my life.  Sometimes my thoughts about it have led to sustained periods of journaling, other times I’ve just wanted to rock back and forth, and foam at the mouth...

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